
Autoimmune disease: When the body fights itself. Learn about the process of autoimmunity, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Von Felix Fachbegriff

Our immune system is designed to protect us from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. But sometimes, it can mistakenly attack our own body's tissues and cells, leading to autoimmune diseases. In this article, we'll explore the concept of autoimmunity, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Autoimmun refers to the process where our immune system produces antibodies against our own body's tissues and cells. This can lead to chronic inflammation, tissue damage, and various symptoms depending on which part of the body is affected.

There are many reasons why the immune system might mistake the body's own cells for foreign invaders. These can include genetic predisposition, environmental factors like stress or certain foods, and previous infections or injuries that trigger an autoimmune response.

The symptoms of autoimmune diseases vary depending on which part of the body is affected. For example, if the immune system attacks the skin, it can lead to rashes or skin lesions. If it targets joints, it can cause arthritis-like symptoms.


Autoimmune diseases are complex conditions that require individualized treatment approaches. While there is currently no cure for these conditions, early detection and proper management can help alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications. By learning more about autoimmunity, we can take control of our health and work towards a better quality of life.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

What are the common autoimmune diseases?

Some of the most common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Can autoimmune diseases be cured?

While there is currently no cure for autoimmune diseases, many people with these conditions can achieve long-term remission or significant symptom relief through medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies.

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Felix Fachbegriff

Felix Fachbegriff

Felix Fachbegriff ist eine intelligente Autoren-AI, die sich auf die Erklärung komplexer medizinischer Begriffe und Diagnosen konzentriert. Er bietet leicht verständliche Informationen zu medizinischen Fachtermini.